Undoubtedly, the human spine is the most reliable part of the bones, but it is also the most prone to degenerative diseases due to repeated physical exertion. Almost one-fifth of the 18 to 40-year-old residents on the planet suffer from back pain.
This symptom is often overlooked and does not cause any serious concern, leading to the spread of the pathological process to the entire spine. Osteochondrosis is a possible cause of back pain and other unpleasant symptoms.
The concept of disease and its occurrence
The disease in which degenerative disc damage and cartilage sclerosis occur, leading to a decline in human performance is called osteochondrosis. Pathology only affects the bones of the spine, but the gradual changes in its height and deformation can adversely affect the work of internal organs and body systems.
The pathogenesis of disease development is related to the structure of the spine, which is designed to absorb when loaded. The intervertebral disc that connects 33-35 human vertebrae is composed of a central nucleus and surrounding fibrous tissue. When moderate body pressure occurs, they provide reliable and strong support for the spine bones.
With the development of the pathological process, the connective tissue and central nucleus of the intervertebral disc are damaged, resulting in the loss of its elasticity, elasticity and strength. The intervertebral disc does collapse and deform, resulting in a curvature of the spine and the growth of sharp bone growth. In the context of the disease, the structure of the vertebra itself has changed, becoming thinner and ossified.
Osteochondrosis of the spine is often mistaken for the natural "wear and tear" of bones. However, pathological changes can be slowed or accelerated, which allows us to treat this condition as a real disease, leading to unpleasant complications.
Causes and risk factors of osteochondrosis
A very common symptom of disc changes is pain. The patient started to feel it at the age of 16-20, but turned to the doctor for help when he was approaching 40 years old. The early onset of the disease is due to flat feet, poor physique, poor posture, or overweight. Modern adolescents live a sedentary lifestyle, which also has a negative impact on the stability of the spine.
The following factors also contribute to the development of the disease:
- age;
- obesity;
- Spinal injuries (fractures, bruises);
- Excessive physical activity;
- Metabolic disorders in the body;
- Genetic predisposition
- Unfavorable environmental conditions;
- A sedentary lifestyle;
- The presence of stressful situations and bad habits.
People who are overloaded with the spine, staying in a standing position (sitting) for a long time, or who suddenly stop regular training are at risk for this disease. The risk group also includes pregnant women, women who wear high heels, and women who wear uncomfortable shoes.
Type and extent of disease
Osteochondrosis is a headache in modern medicine, because a common diagnosis often becomes a word for the patient. Pathology that is not detected in time can lead to advanced forms of the pathological process. A person is slowly but inevitably approaching disability.
Doctors distinguish several types of diseases according to the location of the lesion:
- cervix;
- Chest;
- Cervical thoracic spine
- Lumbosacral.

There is also a concept called multisegmental osteochondrosis, which is characterized by the simultaneous appearance of pathological conditions in several segments of the spine. The dangerous manifestation of this disease is compression of nerve endings and blood vessels in the back near the brain.
Pain syndrome is the most common symptom of abnormal disease. It not only disturbs people's motor function, but also disturbs people's speech function.
In medicine, osteochondrosis is also classified according to the degree of development:
- First-degree osteochondrosis (sudden pain similar to an electric shock);
- Secondary osteochondrosis (irritation of peripheral nervous system elements occurs);
- Third degree osteochondrosis (formation of herniated disc);
- Fourth degree osteochondrosis (development of spondyloarthropathy and spinal cord ischemia).
The fourth stage of the disease is called restorative, because it is the result of treating the newly emerging intervertebral hernia. During this period, spondylolisthesis characterized by vertebral slippage is often observed.
How and what does osteochondrosis hurt?
Spinal osteochondrosis is not a simple disease, it can be disguised as other pathological processes completely unrelated to bones. People do not think that the disturbing pain in the back is very important, but is caused by physical fatigue after a hard day of work.
However, even the slightest discomfort or stiffness of the spinal muscles, which is the first "bell" of the disease, should also arouse vigilance and become a reason to consult an expert.
Clinically, osteochondrosis has a variety of symptoms, depending on the location of the pathological process. If there is a disease in the cervical spine, the following symptoms will appear:
- Neck pain;
- Compression headache;
- Numbness in the fingers;
- Restriction of cervical spine movement;
- Sore shoulders;
- It creaks when he turns his head.
If thoracic osteochondrosis occurs, pain can be seen in the space between the shoulder blades and the chest itself. Patients also complained of pain in the heart area, pressure between the shoulder blades, and discomfort similar to damage to the intestines, stomach, or gallbladder.
With the failure of the lumbar spine, the symptoms are completely different. The pain is mainly concentrated in the lower back and legs, causing severe muscle cramps. Limited lumbar movement, numbness and tingling of lower limbs, pelvic organ dysfunction. Due to the stiffness and limited mobility of the lower back, flexion and extension of the back can be difficult.
The rare occurrence of multisegmental osteochondrosis is characterized by only those symptoms of spinal involvement. Shooting pain, reduced range of motion, sore limbs, muscle cramps-all these signs are common in different parts of the spine.
In most cases, pain is caused by excessive load on the spine, such as lifting weights or maintaining an uncomfortable posture for a long time. Sometimes even coughing and sneezing can aggravate the pain.
If diagnosed, how to continue living
Today, spinal osteochondrosis is a common diagnosis, but it is not fatal. The main purpose is to eliminate the causes leading to the development of the disease and promptly initiate productive treatment. It also attaches great importance to preventive measures taken to prevent the recurrence of the disease.
In order to overcome osteochondrosis, it is necessary to prescribe complex treatments, including:
- Drug use;
- Spinal traction
- massage;
- Exercise therapy
- physiotherapy;
- acupuncture;
- Manual therapy
- Surgical intervention (if indicated).
Each patient should be assigned a separate course of treatment according to the form and degree of spinal lesions. First, the doctor must stop the process of disc destruction caused by tissue inflammation.
After that, choose a method to restore and strengthen the back muscles to support the spine in the desired position. Such a complex treatment allows you to obtain efficient results without the use of surgical intervention.
Recommendations for disease prevention
Preventive measures should always be placed first to maintain good health. Since osteochondrosis mainly occurs due to increased pressure on the intervertebral disc, it is necessary to prevent the development of this condition.
First, it is recommended to avoid overloading the spine caused by a sedentary lifestyle, sudden jumps, and weight lifting with outstretched arms. It is very important to maintain the natural physiological curve that the spine has formed from infancy.
Maintaining posture is a common and necessary life principle for everyone regardless of age and gender.
Daily exercise is very suitable for strengthening muscles and corsets, because osteochondrosis rarely affects strong and well-developed people. All exercises should be done to the best of their ability and help support the spine.